Wednesday, 30 March 2011

New post...ers

Salford Zine Fair poster by Jake Devereux

Salford Zine Fair poster by Will Berry

Deep joy! Thanks Will and Jake.

Hey, you can "follow" Salford Zine Fair on twitter, look for @salfordzinefair
Hey, you can "like" Salford Zine Fair on facebook too, if you have it, click here

Updates on confirmates for the fair coming in the coming days. Exciting times!

Ella Harrison

Ella Harrison is a third year student of Embroidery from the Manchester School of Art. Those in the know know that the Embroidery course at Manchester has been a veritable hotrod of talent for long as the memory cares to remember, at least since 2001 when I was studying next door in the Illustration department. We often whispered on the wind that there were better drawers (drawerers?) on the Embroidery course than there were on the Illustration. I hear rumours they're abolishing Embroidery, hope this isn't true. Anyway, Ella comes from a rich tradition and judging by what we've seen of her work, she's going to be repping a rich tapestry of works at Salford Zine Fair. Observe!

See more of Ella's work here

Idiot's Pasture and Mel-Gibson

This news just in, Leeds has got talent! We already knew that with Helen Entwisle's inclusion in the Salford Zine Fair line-up but that fact is bolstered with the confirmation of Leeds illustrators Idiot's Pasture and Mel-Gibson. See below for proof, they'll be packing zines and prints one would imagine.

Phwoar. And if that wasn't enough to whet your whistle, Idiot and Mel will also be tickling copies of Niche Homo on their stall, the famous music zine from Leeds. It's great, they're great, it's going to be great.

Learn more of Niche Homo here, Idiot's Pasture here and Mel-Gibson here.

Fine City Friends


The stallholders confirmed for Salford Zine Fair are confirming thick and fast. First up on the confirmation list is Fine City Friends. Originating from the school of art, Norwich branch, Fine City Friends encompasses the work of illustrators Helen Entwisle (MEMO), Gemma Correll and Anthony Zinonos. Here's some images of what to expect...

We're talking screenprinted zines, expertly collated collage kits and general illustration expertise. Nuff excited for Helen to be bringing a smorgasbord of talent to the fair for your pleasure.

Check out more of Helen's work here, Gemma Correll's here and Anthony Zinonos' here.